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High bandwidths for live streams with SD-WAN via radio relay to remote locations

High bandwidths are always part of the requirements for event streaming or live streaming. Of course, it doesn’t get any easier when conventional networks reach their spatial or technological limits. In these cases, the bundling of several networks using our SD-WAN technology is very valuable! During our last installation at a traditional company in Ulm, we dominated the roofscape with 4 LTE networks from 3 different providers, which were transmitted via 4 radio relay antennas on 4 different masts.

Fail-safe streaming

The data packets were sent to an external server and distributed from there in order to transmit the streaming in a fail-safe manner. For this purpose, ASCEND provided a Peplink MAX HD4 MBX router with two switches as a high-availability network. As soon as a line became poor, i.e. unsuitable for the transmission of video and audio signals, it was automatically excluded from the transmission without interruption. Once it was suitable again, it was automatically reintegrated into the transmission without interruption. Many thanks to Production Office TV & Event Design GmbH from Vienna for the excellent cooperation at this and many other events in recent years. Incidentally, our technician Darko Roso successfully battled his fear of heights on this day and won. After assembly, he could even let his legs dangle from the roof. Congratulations, Darko!